Our Misson:

To advance and facilitate the promotion, presentation, education, and appreciation of America’s unique and diversified art form, jazz, in Somers Point and the surrounding communities of southern New Jersey.

The South Jersey Jazz Society has been in existence since 2004, and is governed by a board of directors consisting of up to 20 members. The Society is a membership organization that currently has over 350 paid members. Events are open to members and non-members alike, with discounts offered to members on some events. There are also some events that members can attend free. The Society has helped the local school district by providing them with funds to supplement their music and creative arts educational programs.

¹The South Jersey Jazz Society is a registered Public Charity recognized by both the US Internal Revenue Service and the NJ State Department of Treasury.


Board of Directors

Joe Donofrio

Ed Vezinho

Al Paramito

Jim Tuohy

Don Smedley

Tom Angello

Ben Rose

Bob Ferguson

Bryan Jones

Rick “Niko” Nicholas

Susan Simon

Kathy Nigsch

Michael Pedicin

Michael Picucci

Nick Regine

Annette Scott

Myron Mostovoy

Doreen Hambro

Bob Giordano

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